Red House Rocker Simon C had a bbq to celebrate his birthday. Homeboy was subdued to start with but soon had his party on.

Nicola was there with baby Spike! I hadn't met the wee dude yet and he was cool as. Congrats Nicola, Todd and Spike.

This is the thing I like about Christmas. Random awesome people who you haven't seen in ages are suddenly in town, like Dan Mancini. He's been conquering LA big time. Too many reasons why this guy rules.

Sean got the gas happening.

Simon aka Framzie and Mario aka Muzz/ Muzza/ the Muzz/ Particle Man. Enjoying an appertiser.

EVIL D. Mitchell...Guitar, beer, big bag of leads and pedals... he's off to souncheck!


Daniel Mancini and his nipper Cash Wolfe (i think).
Everyone's having kids!

Framzie had majorly pirked up and was ready to go.
Happy Birthday Simon.

The Coolies opened.

They were good.

Great to see i was in some pretty heavy duty company door list styles.

Retarded South Island Mechanic Spanners Watson was there!

People Of the Year '07: Jude and Kristina.

Mr cheeseontoast.co.nz

EVIL took the stage and where fucken gnarly.

Dave spent the entire gig on his knees, back to the audience, facing his amp. The sound he was making was the most horrendous, crazed noise ever, and at the same time the most beautiful and soothing . Hands down best NZ guitarist of all time.

They were selling copies of their 10" ep. I fanned out and got the band to sign it....

...then went home and had nightmares. Thanks guys.

Daves other combo The Ghost Club are playing here soon.
If you know, you KNOW.
How's this poster? Vintage Fucking Mitchell!
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